Home > mrg > MRG_MIKE > mrg_create_dfsu.m



Takes a mesh file and produces a DFSU file filled with very simple data.


function mrg_create_dfsu(start_date, ntimesteps, timestep_sec, varargin)


 Takes a mesh file and produces a DFSU file filled with very simple data.

   start_date      A date vector (e.g. [2012, 12, 01, 23, 35, 00] specifying
                   the start date for the DFSU output
   ntimesteps      A numeric value specifying the number of timesteps in
                   the output.
   timestep_sec    A numeric value specifying the timestep in seconds

   ...             Optional input specified using the ('keyword', value)
                   syntax.  Can be any of:
       nitems      An optional integer specifying the number of items in
                   the output file.  Defualts to 1.  See NOTES.
       base        An optional numerical value specifying the baseline
                   value at each time point. Also specifys the value at
                   timestep 1.  Defaults to 0. See NOTES.
       increment   An optional numerical value specifying the increment to add at
                   each timestep.  Defaults to 0.  See NOTES.
       isarea      A logical indicating if the file is to be used as a
                   decoupled area file

   Produces a DFSU file with the layout prescribed by the mesh file.

   This function will create a DFSU file with the spatial dimensions
   specified by a .mesh file.  Each element is filled with:


   Timestep in this instance is the zero-indexed timestep in the DFSU
   file.  So so using, base = 10 and increment=1:
       The first timestep  = 10
       The second timestep = 11
       The third timestep  = 12
       The nth timestep    = 10+(n-1)

   Note all output items are undefined, but this can esily be changed in
   the data utility tool in MIKE Zero.

   Requires the MIKE Matlab toolbox.  Tested with v. 20110304
   mrg_effing_factory from the MRG_MIKE_toolbox

   Created by Daniel Pritchard (www.pritchard.co)
   Distributed under a creative commons CC BY-SA licence.  See here:

   v 1.0   2011-09-01
           Initial attempt.  DP
   v 1.1   2012-09-05
           Documentation.  DP
   v 1.2   2012-09-18
           Using varargin, adding 'base', adding 'nitems'. DP
           Changed defualts to zero everywhere at all timesteps. DP
           Syntax changes.  DP

   Item types.
   Different data for different items


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function mrg_create_dfsu(start_date, ntimesteps, timestep_sec, varargin)
0002 % Takes a mesh file and produces a DFSU file filled with very simple data.
0003 %
0004 % INPUT
0005 %   start_date      A date vector (e.g. [2012, 12, 01, 23, 35, 00] specifying
0006 %                   the start date for the DFSU output
0007 %   ntimesteps      A numeric value specifying the number of timesteps in
0008 %                   the output.
0009 %   timestep_sec    A numeric value specifying the timestep in seconds
0010 %
0011 %   ...             Optional input specified using the ('keyword', value)
0012 %                   syntax.  Can be any of:
0013 %       nitems      An optional integer specifying the number of items in
0014 %                   the output file.  Defualts to 1.  See NOTES.
0015 %       base        An optional numerical value specifying the baseline
0016 %                   value at each time point. Also specifys the value at
0017 %                   timestep 1.  Defaults to 0. See NOTES.
0018 %       increment   An optional numerical value specifying the increment to add at
0019 %                   each timestep.  Defaults to 0.  See NOTES.
0020 %       isarea      A logical indicating if the file is to be used as a
0021 %                   decoupled area file
0022 %
0023 % OUTPUT
0025 %   Produces a DFSU file with the layout prescribed by the mesh file.
0026 %
0027 % NOTES
0028 %   This function will create a DFSU file with the spatial dimensions
0029 %   specified by a .mesh file.  Each element is filled with:
0030 %
0031 %       base+increment*timestep
0032 %
0033 %   Timestep in this instance is the zero-indexed timestep in the DFSU
0034 %   file.  So so using, base = 10 and increment=1:
0035 %       The first timestep  = 10
0036 %       The second timestep = 11
0037 %       The third timestep  = 12
0038 %       ...
0039 %       The nth timestep    = 10+(n-1)
0040 %
0041 %   Note all output items are undefined, but this can esily be changed in
0042 %   the data utility tool in MIKE Zero.
0043 %
0045 %   Requires the MIKE Matlab toolbox.  Tested with v. 20110304
0046 %   mrg_effing_factory from the MRG_MIKE_toolbox
0047 %
0048 % LICENCE
0049 %   Created by Daniel Pritchard (www.pritchard.co)
0050 %   Distributed under a creative commons CC BY-SA licence.  See here:
0051 %   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
0052 %
0054 %   v 1.0   2011-09-01
0055 %           Initial attempt.  DP
0056 %   v 1.1   2012-09-05
0057 %           Documentation.  DP
0058 %   v 1.2   2012-09-18
0059 %           Using varargin, adding 'base', adding 'nitems'. DP
0060 %           Changed defualts to zero everywhere at all timesteps. DP
0061 %           Syntax changes.  DP
0062 %
0063 % TODO
0064 %   Item types.
0065 %   Different data for different items
0067 %% Checking input
0068 % Number of optional input arguments must be less than 2 x options...
0069 numvarargs = length(varargin);
0070 if numvarargs > 8
0071     error('mrg_create_dfsu:TooManyInputs', 'Requires at most 4 optional inputs');
0072 end
0074 % Set defaults on optional inputs
0075 nitems = 1;
0076 base = 0;
0077 increment = 0;
0078 isarea = 0;
0080 while ~isempty(varargin),
0081     if ischar(varargin{1})
0082         switch lower(varargin{1}(1:3))
0083             case 'nit'
0084                 nitems = varargin{2};
0085             case 'bas'
0086                 base = varargin{2};
0087             case 'inc'
0088                 increment = varargin{2};
0089             case 'isa'
0090                 isarea = 1;
0091             otherwise
0092                 error('mrg_create_dfsu:VariableInputNotHandled','You provided an optional input not handled by the function.');
0093         end
0094     else
0095         error('mrg_create_dfsu:VariableInputFail','Optional inputs must be specified using the (keyword, value) syntax');
0096     end
0097     varargin([1 2])=[]; 
0098 end
0100 % Input checks
0101 if ~(isnumeric(start_date)&&length(start_date)==6);
0102     error('mrg:InputFail','start_date must be date vector!');
0103 end
0105 if ~isnumeric(increment)
0106     error('mrg:InputFail','increment must be a number!');
0107 end
0108 %%
0109 NET.addAssembly('DHI.Generic.MikeZero');
0110 NET.addAssembly('DHI.Generic.MikeZero.EUM');
0111 import DHI.Generic.MikeZero.*
0112 import DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS.*;
0113 import DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS.dfsu.*;
0115 %% Get mesh
0116 return_path = cd;
0117 [filename, path] = uigetfile('.mesh','Select a MESH file to act as DFSU template');
0118 cd(path);
0120 [Elmts,Nodes,proj] = mzReadMesh(filename);
0121 X = Nodes(:,1);
0122 Y = Nodes(:,2);
0123 Z = Nodes(:,3);
0124 code = Nodes(:,4);
0126 %% If area is requested, calculate element centered waterdepths
0127 % There is some discrepenacy here between this and the values form the
0128 % model...  Anyway.  It'll do for now.
0129 if isarea
0130     [~,~,ze] = mzCalcElmtCenterCoords(Elmts,X,Y,Z);
0131     twd = ze*-1;
0132     twd(twd<0) = 0;
0133 end
0135 %% Create a new empty dfsu file object
0136 %factory = mrg_effing_factory();
0137 factory = DfsFactory();
0138 builder = DfsuBuilder.Create(DfsuFileType.Dfsu2D);
0140 % Create a temporal definition matching input file
0141 start = System.DateTime(start_date(1),start_date(2),start_date(3),start_date(4),start_date(5),start_date(6));
0142 builder.SetTimeInfo(start, timestep_sec);
0144 % Create a spatial defition based on mesh input file
0145 builder.SetNodes(NET.convertArray(single(X)),NET.convertArray(single(Y)),NET.convertArray(single(Z)),NET.convertArray(int32(code)));
0146 builder.SetElements(mzNetToElmtArray(Elmts));
0147 builder.SetProjection(factory.CreateProjection(proj))
0149 % Add item(s)
0150 for a = 1:nitems
0151     builder.AddDynamicItem(['MATLAB_generated_',num2str(a)],DHI.Generic.MikeZero.eumQuantity(eumItem.eumIItemUndefined,eumUnit.eumUUnitUndefined));
0152 end
0154 % Create the file - make it ready for data
0155 new_filename = [filename(1:end-5),'_mod.dfsu'];
0156 [filename, path] = uiputfile('.dfsu', 'Select a location for the DFSU file', new_filename);
0157 cd(path)
0158 dfs = builder.CreateFile(filename);
0160 %% Put some data in the file
0161 for i=0:ntimesteps-1
0162     % NB: The first timestep is just filled with base (becuase the
0163     % increment is multiplied by 'i' which is zero)
0164     data = repmat(base,dfs.NumberOfElements,1)+increment*i;
0165     for j=1:nitems
0166         % NB: All items get the same data, unless isarea is true!
0167         if j==1&&isarea==1
0168             dfs.WriteItemTimeStepNext(0, NET.convertArray(single(twd)));
0169         else
0170             dfs.WriteItemTimeStepNext(0, NET.convertArray(single(data)));
0171         end
0172     end
0173 end
0175 % Close the file
0176 dfs.Close();
0177 cd(return_path)
0178 end

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