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A function to calculate correlation statistics used for comparision of model


function gofstat = mrg_gofstat(Pred,Obs)


 A function to calculate correlation statistics used for comparision of model
 data to observations or between two different models

   Pred    Data to compare. An m by n matrix with m timesteps and n 
           items or points
   Obs     The reference values. An m by n matrix the same size as Pred.

   gofstat A MATLAB structure. See NOTES

   This function returns a number of useful model comparision statitics,
   calculated from pair-wise comparisions the columns in each of the
   matrixes Pred and Obs.  Column 1 in Pred is compared against column 1
   in Obs; Column 2 with column 2; and so-on up to column n.

   The returned structure contains the following information:
       corr : An n-by-4 matrix with
               : The correlation coefficient (R)
               : The lower 95% confidence limit on R
               : The upper 95% confidence limit on R
               : The p-value on R
       Pbar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of Pred
       Obar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of Obs
       absPbar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of abs(Pred)
       absObar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of abs(Obs)
       bias : An n-by-4 matrix with
               : The nanmean of the pairwise differences
               : The nanmean of the absolute pairwise differences 
               : The standard deviation of pairwise differences
               : The so-called bias-index
       RMS  : An n-by-3 matrix with
               : The root mean square
               : The scatter index (RMS/Obar)
               : The scatter index using abs of signal (RMS/abs(Obar))
               : The stdev of the differences (same as bias(:,3), above?)
       MEF  : An n-by-1 vector. The modelling efficency as per Stow 2009
       skill: An n-by-1 vector. The modelling skill as per Dias 2009
       RI   : An n-by-1 vector. The reliability index

   Note that this uses the nanmean and nanstd functions to calculate the
   mean of the two datasets, which will implicitly ignore missing values.
   Note that this function relies on linear correlations. If your data are
   circular, you might consider a circular correlation coefficient.


   Stow, C. A., Jolliff, J., McGillicuddy, D. J., Doney, S. C., Allen, J. I., 
       Friedrichs, M. A. M., Rose, K. A., and Wallhead, P.  2009.  Skill 
       assessment for coupled biological/physical models of marine systems.  
       Journal of Marine Systems, 76: 4--15.
   Dias, J. M., Sousa, M. C., Bertin, X., Fortunato, A. B., and Oliveira,
       A. 2009. Numerical modeling of the impact of the Ancao Inlet
       relocation (Ria Formosa, Portugal). Environmental modelling and
       software, 24: 711-725.

   Clare Duggan
   Daniel Pritchard
   Bjoern Elsaesser

   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
   Group at Queens Univeristy Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
   original authors.


   v 1.0   2011-10-01
           First version. Clare Duggan
   v 1.1   2012-10-01
           Modified. Clare Duggan
   v 1.2   2013-07-28
           Documentation. Cleanup. Daniel Pritchard
   v 1.3   2013-08-15 DP.
           Fixed error in upper confidence interval.
           More documentation.
   v 1.4   2013-10-01 BE.
           Added scatter index using absolute of obsbar and model skill.
           as per Dias et al.
   v 1.5   2013-10-23 BE
           corrected bug in size comparison
% Function Begin!


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function gofstat = mrg_gofstat(Pred,Obs)
0002 % A function to calculate correlation statistics used for comparision of model
0003 % data to observations or between two different models
0004 %
0005 % INPUT
0006 %   Pred    Data to compare. An m by n matrix with m timesteps and n
0007 %           items or points
0008 %   Obs     The reference values. An m by n matrix the same size as Pred.
0009 %
0010 % OUTPUT
0011 %   gofstat A MATLAB structure. See NOTES
0012 %
0013 % NOTES
0014 %   This function returns a number of useful model comparision statitics,
0015 %   calculated from pair-wise comparisions the columns in each of the
0016 %   matrixes Pred and Obs.  Column 1 in Pred is compared against column 1
0017 %   in Obs; Column 2 with column 2; and so-on up to column n.
0018 %
0019 %   The returned structure contains the following information:
0020 %       corr : An n-by-4 matrix with
0021 %               : The correlation coefficient (R)
0022 %               : The lower 95% confidence limit on R
0023 %               : The upper 95% confidence limit on R
0024 %               : The p-value on R
0025 %       Pbar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of Pred
0026 %       Obar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of Obs
0027 %       absPbar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of abs(Pred)
0028 %       absObar : An n-by-1 vector. The nanmean of abs(Obs)
0029 %       bias : An n-by-4 matrix with
0030 %               : The nanmean of the pairwise differences
0031 %               : The nanmean of the absolute pairwise differences
0032 %               : The standard deviation of pairwise differences
0033 %               : The so-called bias-index
0034 %       RMS  : An n-by-3 matrix with
0035 %               : The root mean square
0036 %               : The scatter index (RMS/Obar)
0037 %               : The scatter index using abs of signal (RMS/abs(Obar))
0038 %               : The stdev of the differences (same as bias(:,3), above?)
0039 %       MEF  : An n-by-1 vector. The modelling efficency as per Stow 2009
0040 %       skill: An n-by-1 vector. The modelling skill as per Dias 2009
0041 %       RI   : An n-by-1 vector. The reliability index
0042 %
0043 %   Note that this uses the nanmean and nanstd functions to calculate the
0044 %   mean of the two datasets, which will implicitly ignore missing values.
0045 %   Note that this function relies on linear correlations. If your data are
0046 %   circular, you might consider a circular correlation coefficient.
0047 %
0049 %   Untested.
0050 %
0052 %   Stow, C. A., Jolliff, J., McGillicuddy, D. J., Doney, S. C., Allen, J. I.,
0053 %       Friedrichs, M. A. M., Rose, K. A., and Wallhead, P.  2009.  Skill
0054 %       assessment for coupled biological/physical models of marine systems.
0055 %       Journal of Marine Systems, 76: 4--15.
0056 %   Dias, J. M., Sousa, M. C., Bertin, X., Fortunato, A. B., and Oliveira,
0057 %       A. 2009. Numerical modeling of the impact of the Ancao Inlet
0058 %       relocation (Ria Formosa, Portugal). Environmental modelling and
0059 %       software, 24: 711-725.
0060 %
0061 % AUTHORS
0062 %   Clare Duggan
0063 %   Daniel Pritchard
0064 %   Bjoern Elsaesser
0065 %
0066 % LICENCE
0067 %   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
0068 %   Group at Queens Univeristy Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
0069 %   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
0070 %   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
0071 %   original authors.
0072 %
0073 %   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
0074 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/space/
0075 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/eerc/
0076 %
0078 %   v 1.0   2011-10-01
0079 %           First version. Clare Duggan
0080 %   v 1.1   2012-10-01
0081 %           Modified. Clare Duggan
0082 %   v 1.2   2013-07-28
0083 %           Documentation. Cleanup. Daniel Pritchard
0084 %   v 1.3   2013-08-15 DP.
0085 %           Fixed error in upper confidence interval.
0086 %           More documentation.
0087 %   v 1.4   2013-10-01 BE.
0088 %           Added scatter index using absolute of obsbar and model skill.
0089 %           as per Dias et al.
0090 %   v 1.5   2013-10-23 BE
0091 %           corrected bug in size comparison
0092 %% Function Begin!
0093 k1 = size(Pred);
0094 k2 = size(Obs);
0096 if any(k1~=k2)
0097     msgbox('Data sets are not the same size!');
0098     return
0099 end
0101 gofstat = struct();
0103 %% Performing Statistical Calculations
0104 for n = 1:k1(2);
0105     % Correlation coefficent with the 95% upper and lower confidence limit
0106     [R,P,RLO,RUP]=corrcoef(Pred(1:end,n),Obs(1:end,n),'rows','pairwise');
0107     gofstat.corr(n,1) = R(2);
0108     gofstat.corr(n,2) = RLO(2);
0109     gofstat.corr(n,3) = RUP(2);
0110     gofstat.corr(n,4) = P(2);
0112     % mean of the different data sets
0113     gofstat.Pbar(n,1) = nanmean(Pred(1:end,n));
0114     gofstat.Obar(n,1) = nanmean(Obs(1:end,n));
0115     gofstat.absPbar(n,1) = nanmean(abs(Pred(1:end,n)));
0116     gofstat.absObar(n,1) = nanmean(abs(Obs(1:end,n)));
0118     % difference of the data sets
0119     delta = Pred(1:end,n) - Obs(1:end,n);
0120     delta2 = abs(Pred(1:end,n) - Obs(1:end,n));
0121     % mean of difference
0122     gofstat.bias(n,1) = nanmean(delta);
0123     % average absolute error
0124     gofstat.bias(n,2) = nanmean(delta2);
0125     % standard deviation of difference
0126     gofstat.bias(n,3) = nanstd(delta);
0127     % bias index of the data set
0128     gofstat.bias(n,4) = gofstat.bias(n,1)/gofstat.Obar(n,1);
0130     % RMS
0131     gofstat.RMS(n,1) = sqrt(nanmean(delta.^2));
0132     % Scatter index
0133     gofstat.RMS(n,2) = gofstat.RMS(n,1)/gofstat.Obar(n,1);
0134     % Scatter index using absolute
0135     gofstat.RMS(n,3) = gofstat.RMS(n,1)/gofstat.absObar(n,1);
0136     % Standard deviation of the differences
0137     gofstat.RMS(n,4) = sqrt(nanmean((delta - nanmean(delta)).^2));
0139     % MEF - the modeling efficiency
0140     % observations minus average of observations
0141     difme = (Obs(1:end,n) - gofstat.Obar(n,1)).^2;
0142     % predictions minus average of predictions
0143     difmo = (Pred(1:end,n) - Obs(1:end,n)).^2;
0144     difme2 = nansum(difme);
0145     difmo2 = nansum(difmo);
0146     % MEF
0147     gofstat.MEF(n,1) =(difme2-difmo2)/difme2;
0149     % SKILL - the modeling skill
0150     % observations minus average of observations
0151     difsko = (Obs(1:end,n) - gofstat.Obar(n,1));
0152     difskp = (Pred(1:end,n) - gofstat.Obar(n,1));
0153     % sum of differences
0154     difsk2 = nansum((difskp + difsko).^2);
0156     % MEF
0157     gofstat.skill(n,1)=1-difmo2/difsk2;
0159     % RI - Reliability Index
0160     rel = (log(Obs(1:end,n)./Pred(1:end,n))).^2;
0161     rel2 = nanmean(rel);
0162     rel3 = sqrt(rel2);
0163     gofstat.RI(n,1) = exp(rel3);
0164 end

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