Home > mrg > MRG_utilities > mrg_assign.m



A simple wrapper function for simple logical indexing (i.e '<', '>' and '==')


function data = mrg_assign(data, test, comparision, assign)


 A simple wrapper function for simple logical indexing (i.e '<', '>' and '==')
   data            The data to test. A matrix or a vector.
   test            The value to be tested for using comparision
   comparision     A string specifying the comparision / test to perform
   assign          The value to assign if the test is true

   data    The modified input, with logical matches of test to data using
           comaprsion replaced with assign.

   This funciton is not really intended for wide-scale usage. It is here
   only for use with mrg_dfsu_apply

   Daniel Pritchard

   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
   Group at Queens Univeristy Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
   original authors.


   v 1.0   July 2013
           Initial attempt. Documentation. DP.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function data = mrg_assign(data, test, comparision, assign)
0002 % A simple wrapper function for simple logical indexing (i.e '<', '>' and '==')
0003 %
0004 % INPUT
0005 %   data            The data to test. A matrix or a vector.
0006 %   test            The value to be tested for using comparision
0007 %   comparision     A string specifying the comparision / test to perform
0008 %   assign          The value to assign if the test is true
0009 %
0010 % OUTPUT
0011 %   data    The modified input, with logical matches of test to data using
0012 %           comaprsion replaced with assign.
0013 %
0014 % USAGE
0015 %   This funciton is not really intended for wide-scale usage. It is here
0016 %   only for use with mrg_dfsu_apply
0017 %
0018 % AUTHORS
0019 %   Daniel Pritchard
0020 %
0021 % LICENCE
0022 %   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
0023 %   Group at Queens Univeristy Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
0024 %   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
0025 %   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
0026 %   original authors.
0027 %
0028 %   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
0029 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/space/
0030 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/eerc/
0031 %
0033 %   v 1.0   July 2013
0034 %           Initial attempt. Documentation. DP.
0035 %%
0036 if test =='<'
0037     data(data<comparision)=assign;
0038 elseif test == '>'
0039     data(data>comparision)=assign;
0040 elseif test == '='
0041     data(data==comparision)=assign;
0042 else
0043     error('Function only supports ">", "<", or "=", tests')
0044 end
0045 end

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