Home > mrg > MRG_utilities > mrg_newfunc.m



Prompts for a new function name and location, and creates a MATLAB '.m'


function mrg_newfunc


 Prompts for a new function name and location, and creates a MATLAB '.m'
 with pre-filled (boilerplate) text for documentation.

   None. No input required.

   No output at console. Generates a file with pre-filled (boilerplate)
   text for function construction.  

   This function is intended to aid in the development of functions for
   the MRG toolbox by providing boilerplate text for important

   Daniel Pritchard

   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
   Group at Queens University Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
   original authors.


   v 1.0   2013-08-15
           First version. DP.
           Documentation. DP.
           corrected typos... BE


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function mrg_newfunc
0002 % Prompts for a new function name and location, and creates a MATLAB '.m'
0003 % with pre-filled (boilerplate) text for documentation.
0004 %
0005 % INPUT
0006 %   None. No input required.
0007 %
0008 % OUTPUT
0009 %   No output at console. Generates a file with pre-filled (boilerplate)
0010 %   text for function construction.
0011 %
0012 % NOTES
0013 %   This function is intended to aid in the development of functions for
0014 %   the MRG toolbox by providing boilerplate text for important
0015 %   documentation.
0016 %
0017 % AUTHORS
0018 %   Daniel Pritchard
0019 %
0020 % LICENCE
0021 %   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
0022 %   Group at Queens University Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
0023 %   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
0024 %   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
0025 %   original authors.
0026 %
0027 %   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
0028 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/space/
0029 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/eerc/
0030 %
0032 %   v 1.0   2013-08-15
0033 %           First version. DP.
0034 %           Documentation. DP.
0035 %           corrected typos... BE
0036 %
0038 %%
0039 [fname,fpath] = uiputfile('*.m', 'Enter a name and location for the function', 'mrg_FUNC_NAME.m');
0041 bptext = ['function [OUT1, OUT2] = %s(IN1, IN2)\r\n',...
0042 '%% DESCRIPTION. What does the function do?\r\n',...
0043 '%%\r\n',...
0044 '%% -- Read and Delete -- \r\n',...
0045 '%% Please fill out the description line above and the sections below. At a\r\n',...
0046 '%% minimum please document the INPUT and OUTPUT sections. If additional\r\n',...
0047 '%% sections headings are justified (e.g WARNING) please add these too.\r\n',...
0048 '%% -- Ends --\r\n',...
0049 '%%\r\n',...
0050 '%% INPUT\r\n',...
0051 '%%   IN1   DESCRIPTION\r\n',...
0052 '%%   IN2   DESCRIPTION\r\n',...
0053 '%%\r\n',...
0054 '%% OUTPUT\r\n',...
0055 '%%   OUT1  DESCRIPTION\r\n',...
0056 '%%   OUT2  DESCRIPTION\r\n',...
0057 '%%   If no output please state: NO OUTPUT AT CONSOLE\r\n',...
0058 '%%\r\n',...
0059 '%% USAGE\r\n',...
0060 '%%   Provide an example to show how the function should be used\r\n',...
0061 '%%\r\n',...
0062 '%% NOTES\r\n',...
0063 '%%   Additional (more verbose) documentation can go here.\r\n',...
0064 '%%\r\n',...
0065 '%% REQUIREMENTS\r\n',...
0066 '%%   List external toolboxes, platform dependencies etc here.\r\n',...
0067 '%%   If external toolboxes are needed, please provide links and state what\r\n',...
0068 '%%   version was used for development and testing.\r\n',...
0069 '%%\r\n',...
0070 '%% OCTAVE COMPATIBILITY\r\n',...
0071 '%%   If your code is Octave compatible? Yes, No, or Untested.\r\n',...
0072 '%%\r\n',...
0073 '%% REFERENCES\r\n',...
0074 '%%   Please list references here in a consistent, human readable format.\r\n',...
0075 '%%\r\n',...
0076 '%% AUTHORS\r\n',...
0077 '%%   YOUR NAME HERE!\r\n',...
0078 '%%\r\n',...
0079 '%% LICENCE\r\n',...
0080 '%%   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research\r\n',... 
0081 '%%   Group at Queens University Belfast (QUB) School of Planning\r\n',... 
0082 '%%   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a\r\n',...
0083 '%%   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the\r\n',...
0084 '%%   original authors.\r\n',...
0085 '%%\r\n',...
0086 '%%   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\r\n',...
0087 '%%   http://www.qub.ac.uk/space/\r\n',...
0088 '%%   http://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/eerc/\r\n',...
0089 '%%\r\n',...
0090 '%% DEVELOPMENT\r\n',...
0091 '%%   v 1.0   YYYY-MM-DD\r\n',...
0092 '%%           First version. INITIALS\r\n',...
0093 '%%\r\n',...
0094 '%% TODO\r\n',...
0095 '%%   LIST\r\n',...
0096 '%%\r\n',...
0097 '%%\r\n',...
0098 '%%%% Function Begin!\r\n',...
0099 '\r\n',...
0100 '\r\n',...
0101 '\r\n',...
0102 'end\r\n'];
0104 fileID = fopen([fpath, fname],'w');
0105 funcname = fname(1:end-2);
0106 fprintf(fileID,bptext,funcname);
0107 fclose(fileID);
0109 edit([fpath, fname])
0111 end

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