Home > mrg > MRG_utilities > mrg_read_3chan_logger.m



DESCRIPTION. What does the function do?


function wave_data = mrg_read_3chan_logger(path,filename)


 DESCRIPTION. What does the function do?

   path       An optional path. 
   filename   An optional filename.

   wave_data  A MATLAB structure with the following fields:
              path: The path to the file
              filename: The filename
              compass: An m x 4 matrix, the status data (3) and data_index
              time: An m x 4 matrix, with start_time, start_index,
              end_time and end_index.
              raw_data: An n x 3 matrix. The raw data
              burst_data: A structure with m fields containing the bursts
              (subsets) of the data in raw_data
   This code is based on several Read_logger*.m files floating about. Some
   of these codes also calibrate the data using known scale (nee slope)
   and offset (intercept) for each sensor. This function does not do that,
   it is up to the user to apply the correct calibration.
   NB: The general output format is *not* compatible with this old code.
   Adjust your approach accordingly.  

   Bjoern Elsaesser
   Daniel Pritchard

   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
   Group at Queens University Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
   original authors.


   v 1.0   2014-02-04
           First version. DP
           Brings together several codes from BEs work folder namely:
           Read_logger3c_data; Read_logger_card.m and;
           'Compass' information is now read inline, rather than being
           read into 'data' and then later extracted...

% Function Begin!
 Is path supplied


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function wave_data = mrg_read_3chan_logger(path,filename)
0002 % DESCRIPTION. What does the function do?
0003 %
0004 % INPUT
0005 %   path       An optional path.
0006 %   filename   An optional filename.
0007 %
0008 % OUTPUT
0009 %   wave_data  A MATLAB structure with the following fields:
0010 %              path: The path to the file
0011 %              filename: The filename
0012 %              compass: An m x 4 matrix, the status data (3) and data_index
0013 %              time: An m x 4 matrix, with start_time, start_index,
0014 %              end_time and end_index.
0015 %              raw_data: An n x 3 matrix. The raw data
0016 %              burst_data: A structure with m fields containing the bursts
0017 %              (subsets) of the data in raw_data
0018 %
0019 % NOTES
0020 %   This code is based on several Read_logger*.m files floating about. Some
0021 %   of these codes also calibrate the data using known scale (nee slope)
0022 %   and offset (intercept) for each sensor. This function does not do that,
0023 %   it is up to the user to apply the correct calibration.
0024 %   NB: The general output format is *not* compatible with this old code.
0025 %   Adjust your approach accordingly.
0026 %
0027 % AUTHORS
0028 %   Bjoern Elsaesser
0029 %   Daniel Pritchard
0030 %
0031 % LICENCE
0032 %   Code distributed as part of the MRG toolbox from the Marine Research
0033 %   Group at Queens University Belfast (QUB) School of Planning
0034 %   Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPACE). Distributed under a
0035 %   creative commons CC BY-SA licence, retaining full copyright of the
0036 %   original authors.
0037 %
0038 %   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
0039 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/space/
0040 %   http://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/eerc/
0041 %
0043 %   v 1.0   2014-02-04
0044 %           First version. DP
0045 %           Brings together several codes from BEs work folder namely:
0046 %           Read_logger3c_data; Read_logger_card.m and;
0047 %           Read_logger_cardv2.m
0048 %           'Compass' information is now read inline, rather than being
0049 %           read into 'data' and then later extracted...
0050 %
0051 %% Function Begin!
0052 % Is path supplied
0053 old_path = cd();
0054 if ~exist('filename', 'var')
0055     [filename,path] = uigetfile('*.dat','Select a *.dat file from the 3-channel logger');
0056     cd(path);
0057     if isempty(filename)
0058         return
0059     end
0060 end
0061 % Open file handle
0062 fid = fopen([path filename], 'r');
0064 %% Setup...
0065 n = 1; % An odd-even ticker
0066 m = 1; % The row index for time and compass
0067 j = 1; % The data row index
0069 % Preallocate some memory:
0070 data = zeros(200000,3);
0071 time = zeros(200,4);
0072 compass = zeros(200,4);
0074 tline = fgetl(fid);
0075 while tline~=-1
0076     % If it degins with 'H' is is the status line, with date/time info...
0077     if tline(1) == 'H'
0078         % If 'n' is odd (1,3,5,...) then it is a 'start' time so it gets
0079         % written to column 1 and the index gets writen to column 2.
0080         % Furthermore, the next line is 'compass' / status information...
0081         % We read this now with a new call to fgetl, rather than have it
0082         % get mixed up the with other data and have to extract it later
0084         % If 'n' is even then it is a 'end' time. This gets written to
0085         % column 3 and the index to column 4. Also we increment 'm' so that
0086         % the next encounter gets writen to the correct row.
0087         if(bitget(abs(n),1)) % Is odd
0088             time(m,1) = datenum(tline(6:end),'dd:mm:HH:MM:SS');
0089             time(m,2) = j; % j is an index into the 'data' object
0090             tline = fgetl(fid);
0091             compass(m,1:3) = str2num(tline);
0092             compass(m,4) = j;
0093         else % Is even
0094             time(m,3) = datenum(tline(6:end),'dd:mm:HH:MM:SS');
0095             time(m,4) = j-1; % j is an index into the 'data' object
0096             m = m + 1; % Increment 'm'
0097         end
0098         % Increment n (this needs to happen everytime to keep the odd/even
0099         % marker ticking over
0100         n = n + 1;
0101     else
0102         data(j,1:3) = str2num(tline);
0103         j = j + 1;
0104     end
0105     % If preallocated space is getting low, top it up!
0106     % NB: This is probably not needed as MATLAB dynmically exapnd matrixes
0107     % that are indexed beyond their limits (e.g. x=[];x(3,2)=2;) but it
0108     % might be more efficient
0109     if j > length(data)
0110         data(j:j+199999,1:3) = zeros(200000,3); % Add more data if needed...
0111     end
0112     if m > length(time) % NB: 'time' and 'compass' should be the same length!
0113         time(n:n+199,1:4) = zeros(200,4);
0114         compass(m:m+199,1:4) = zeros(200,4);
0115     end
0116     % Read a new line and repeat!
0117     tline = fgetl(fid);
0118 end
0119 fclose(fid);
0121 % Clean up unused pre-allocated space!
0122 data = data(1:j-1,:);
0123 time = time(1:m-1,:);
0124 compass = compass(1:m-1,:);
0126 disp('All data read from file...')
0128 %% Setup return object
0129 wave_data.path = path;
0130 wave_data.filename = filename;
0131 wave_data.compass = compass;
0132 wave_data.time = time;
0133 wave_data.raw_data = data;
0136 %% Split into separate files and write out
0137 for n = 1:length(time); 
0138     M = data(time(n,2):time(n,4),1:3); % Use the start/stop time indexes
0139     %name = [filename(1:end-4),'_chunk_',num2str(n),'.dat'];
0140     %dlmwrite(name, M, 'precision', '%.6f','newline', 'pc');
0141     wave_data.burst_data.(['burst_',num2str(n)]) = M;
0142 end;
0143 disp('Individual bursts extracted...')
0145 %% Finally, be a good lad: Go home...
0146 cd(old_path)
0147 disp('Done!')
0148 end

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